Men's Senior Club Captains

Note: if you are reading this on a mobile phone, please turn your device sideways to view the table fully.

Year Name Year Name Year Name
2001 I Smith 2009 D Marshall 2017 A Hawkins
2002 I Smith 2010 T Hewitt 2018 P Ord
2003 I Heanly 2011 N Blackman 2019 T Miller
2004 I Heanly 2012 B Woodhouse 2020 F Ross
2005 I Heanly 2013 W Lewis 2021 F Ross
2006 B Sweetman 2014 K Robinson 2022 C Glaze
2007 B Sweetman 2015 P Woolnough 2023 M Downs
2008 T Scott-Kilvert 2016 F Karim 2024 J Emler