Men's Champion (Nett score)

Note: if you are reading this on a mobile phone, please turn your device sideways to view the table fully.

Year Name Year Name Year Name
1999 T Chew 2008 A Shephard 2017 J Staker
2000 S Knox 2009 J Clayton 2018 W Mitton
2001 S Thompson 2010 A Horn 2019  
2002 W Morris 2011 B Lane 2020  
2003 R Harris 2012 J Staker 2021  
2004 C Phillips 2013 G Miles 2022 M Schofield
2005 G Miles 2014 G Bartlett 2023 R Lindley
2006 A Horn 2015 R Jones 2024 N Wilcox
2007 B Scull 2016 G King