Ladies' Champion (Gross score)

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Year Name Year Name Year Name
1998 S McGavin 2007 J Anderson 2016 A Ord
1999 J Mitson 2008 K Hall 2017 K Hall
2000 W Skiller 2009 Z Hammond 2018 A Ord
2001 W Skiller 2010 Z Hammond 2019 M Lawrence
2002 H Richardson 2011 A Ord 2020 L Cook
2003 J Anderson 2012 A Ord 2021 L Cook
2004 A Ord 2013 J Anderson 2022 A Olsen
2005 A Ord 2014 J Rutherford 2023 D Prosser
2006 J Anderson 2015 A Ord 2024 D Prosser